Saturday, July 31, 2010

Fire and other excitements

We had a little scare last night! Kel had just come home from work and Ella was sleeping and I was knitting. All of a sudden it started smelling a lot like smoke. I first thought it was the crazy neighbor burning leaves again, but then someone yelled FIRE! We went out on the balcony and saw the smoke, but no fire. Turned out that it was on the other side of the house, on the opposite side of the highway. Dry trees and shrubbery had caught fire throwing flames into the air. The wind blew directly in our direction so my clever husband quickly got a hose going and started watering down the trees and the roof of our house. The cops were there in no time, but the fire department took their sweet time to get here. We had closed all windows and doors, so Ella could continue her cutie sleep, but we were ready to grab her and go if need be. Once the fire engines arrived, the fire was out in no time, but the smell remained... When Ella woke up and the wee hours for her night snack, she got to go for a stroller ride to make sure she got fresh air. She was fine of course, but she did not want to go back to sleep.

Other than that, we are looking forward to our next visitors, Grandpa and Grandma from Sweden! Yay! Three more weeks, barely before they get here!

We have our little routine down with Daddy time in the mornings and Mommy time in the afternoons and evenings. Mommy is slowly getting better, each day becomes a little easier than the one before, so we are headed in the right direction! Ella gets cuter and bigger by the day!


Anonymous said...

Vilken dramatik!
Jag tycker du ska fortsätta att kolla på flygbiljetter...

Vilka härliga bilder på er lilla familj. Ella verkar vara en lugn liten tjej, så söt,så söt.

Stor kram till dej Jessica, från oss alla hos Carlssons.

Mike and Heidi said...

Great shot of Kelly with Ella AND the hose. lol

Mona said...

Superdad made it again! Ella sure looks like daddy`s girl but she´s got some great eyes for mummy too.
See you soon.