Monday, March 24, 2014


Bruno was the right size to go on a submarine.

There it is! Atlantis!

Pretty exciting to be under water without getting wet!

Very excited!

Spotting the Carthaginian, an old ship sunken on purpose for us to enjoy.

It's been under water for eight years.

Pretty cool, eh?

Inside of the submarine

Finally we surfaced!


Sunday, March 2, 2014

Poli Poli, beautiful but freeeeeeezing at night!

Ella driving the Camaro!

A beautiful hike before dark..

As usual, Ella has no legs...

Our little ballerina perfecting her skills

Gorgeous sunset

yes, stunning..

The Camaro!

The gorgeous view from the lovely dirt road..

and... bragging rights! Platinum status for me at work!

Monday, February 24, 2014

Whale watching! And some other watching..

The whale's back


The littlest whale watcher

A little seasick

Ballerina in her new skirt, post-class

Story time!! Lots of kids and free books! Can you spot Ella? Does she stand out in any way?

And a last pic from Joe Cool..

Tuesday, February 18, 2014

Driftwood on the beach

Ella and I went to Fleming's for a birthday party, but it was winding down when we got there so we played on the beach instead and built this thing! 

Monday, February 10, 2014

The Mighty Jungle

Ella is trying to pull a Tarzan..
It's hard to keep up the blog AND Instagram and not just post the same pictures..
Not much going on over here, just a constant struggle with our schedules. But it always works out, one way or another. Ella still enjoys ballet (she'd better enjoy it at that price!) and is looking forward to it every Thursday. Thursday is our only day off together and with ballet at three in the afternoon, there is not much time for outings to the other side. But we get all the more time to explore closer to home. This jungle is by Honolua Bay so only about 15 minutes from our house.

Saturday, February 1, 2014

Emptying the Piggy Bank and other exciting things!

She got a piggy bank for Christmas and have been saving ever since! So finally she was able to buy her kite, with SpongeBob and Patrick on it.

 Despite the lack of wind she managed to fly it. Her friend Ocean was green with envy, but word on the street is that she now has her very own kite..
 Climbing trees...
 Pretending to fall asleep is so much fun!
And then story time again! 

Monday, January 27, 2014

Biiig waves!

Supposedly the swell of the decade so we braved the traffic and crossed the island to see it. The pictures don't really show just how massive it was! But I've seen bigger. It was stormy and really poor conditions so there was no one out.  

The cows were wondering  what the commotion was all about..
And finally, Ella and her ballerina friends waiting for class to start.

Friday, January 10, 2014


Picture overload!! Sorry, but this was our proudest moment so far! Our little ballerina was so good and so adorable! We both shed a tear or two. We are sad that we won't be able to be spectators again until March. Strict ballet rules! She did so good and she was so proud when she got her little stamp on her hand after class.
The classes are weekly and will end in a Spring Extravaganza in May. Swan Lake next?