Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Big Girll!

Ella finally got her well-baby check-up, only almost three months past due.. Better late than never, as they say. She is 27 inches tall, 70 cm and she weighs in at just about 18 lbs, 8 kg and that puts her in the 97th percentile for height but smack in the middle for weight. So for everyone out there (not likely to read this, but still) who claims our baby is chubby, SHE IS NOT! Sorry, but I get awfully tired of all such comments. She also got a follow up round of the immunizations. She took it well, considering that they gave her THREE shots in her little legs. All was well, no fever, no fussiness only our happy baby! Until the night after... She was so cranky that I almost lost it! She did not want to sleep, she did not want to be up, only being held for a while. Eventually, after a bath and a bottle, she settled down and fell asleep. I hope she'll be back to her jolly self in the morning.
Well, here she is, showing off her skills!
And by the way, we have snow on Haleakala! The crater, you know, 10000 feet. Wish I could go up there and make some snow angels!


Mona Andersson said...

Det var en tuff omgång för både Ella och er men visst är hon precis lagom och hur söt som helst.Kram på er alla 3.

dannie said...

Ella är världens finaste bebis, sådetså! Om någon säger något annat så kommer the fairy god mother och sparkar dem i ändan! Enligt min nedräknare så är det nu 13 veckor kvar tills vi kommer, hurra!