Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Halloween and other adventures

This was by far the calmest and most quiet halloween for us so far. None of the usual debauchery and the only one to dress up was Ella. Mommy had to work all night and responsible Daddy took his baby home early. She was adorable in her skeleton outfit though, the SkEllaton!
A few weeks ago we visited the pumpkin patch in Kula and Ella dressed up to pose with the pumpkins.
We had the annual pumpkin carving contest at work, but no word yet on what department won. I bet it was us!

By the way, on my first day back at work, I found out that I had won the quarterly Kupa'a awards! I suppose I had been nominated for my efforts in going green, I am still not sure, but very happy about it! My picture is now gracing the wall downstairs for everyone to see. I grew an inch right there!
Ella got a bouncer from Daddy's work, and she's loving it! Daddy is using it to teach her how to skimboard already!


Mona Andersson said...

The cutest little skELLAton ever and very soon she will go for skimboarding, I guess, with daddy. Love Grandpa and Grandma Andersson.

Mike and Heidi said...

Nice pic of you on the award. Congratulations. Cute shot of Ella with all the pumpkins

dannie said...

Gullunge! Man ser på handföringen att hon kommer bli en supersurfare. The skELLAton pryder nu kylskåpet på Skogsbrynet, tittar på underverket flera gånger varje dag. Vi räknar våra pengar dagligen så vi ska nog ha råd att komma och hälsa på till påsk. Daniel sparar alla sina småpengar i en burk, där är nog tillräckligt många för en liten flygbiljett eller två. Puss och kram till er alla!