Rolled over (while we were watching, we've never got to actually witness it before)
Held her own bottle at the right angle to actually get to its contents and tilting it accordingly when needed
Waved at her Daddy
Sat up without any support!
Unfortunately, you'd have to take our word for the rolling over and the waving, but the other two we have pictures to prove!
Daddy also wanted the editor to put a skimboarding shot here, and voila! A great one too, on his new board he got from Santa at Exile...
It was a rainy Monday and a sunny Tuesday and we went to Baldwin Beach both days. Ella also got to meet her new friend, Walther Raymond, about a week old. Hard to believe that Ella was once that small! She looked like a giant next to him!
And thank you Auntie Dannie for the awesome tank top! Life is Fake, Wrestling is Real! We love it!!
Great photos. Ella is so qute and looks like she just loves beachlife.Love Grandma and Grandpa.
Hurra! Så duktig hon är! Och vilken fin solhatt hon har! /Linda
Gullplutt! Första bilden gick straight to the pool room här hemma, eller rättare sagt anslagstavlan i dataskrubben. Linnet passade ju perfekt, hurra! Puss från the fairy god mother!
Såå söt, underbara bilder!
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