Monday, January 24, 2011

4 days short of 7 months

The Wright Weekend Warriors are at it again! We haven't been upcountry in a while, so we figured it was about time. Mom and Dad both had stressful weeks at work, so we needed to get our serenity back. You can see who's at the wheel! Ella went on the swings by herself for the first time! Yaya! She did smile, so we assume she enjoyed it.

She also got her first tooth and already knows good dental hygiene, check it out! Today she also managed to roll from her back around to her belly, she has only been able to do the other way before. So many milestones now!


Mona Andersson said...

Oj oj här går det undan, körkortet nästa för Ella. Ha det kul och kram på er alla 3.

Emma said...

Så duktig och stor Ella har blivit Och så söt!
Hoppas ni har det bra
Vi saknar er!

Anonymous said...

Sötnosen! Puss på henne från oss alla! /LDSKEIA

Grandpa Mike and Heidi said...

She's so cute. Great picture. Thanks for keeping the blog going. We enjoy it so much