No interesting pictures, sorry. Nausea is not very photogenique.
As the pea in the pod keeps growing, I am going through the preggers symptoms one after another. The all-day-sickness has eased a little, but now I am constantly out of breath instead. Everything is a project that require planning in advance. Spontaneity is out the window in other words. I quit all unhealthy habits and am now in the process of making my husband quit his. But even though the beloved little dot has grown 10000 times since it was conceived, a stranger would not be able to tell by looking at me. I think it's showing of course, at least upstairs.
I dream about the baby a lot, but it never reveals if it is a boy or a girl. We do not intend to find out either, it will have to be a surprise. I think it would be fun with a boy, considering the number of females on my side. I know Kel would rather have a girl, but I am positive we will both be happy either way. We are also discussing names, but that discussion is for our ears only, so far.
We miss you all!
Glad to hear the morning sickness is easing - take care - Love
Men nu vill jag snart se bildbevis! Iallafall en before bumpbild (oj, svårt att blanda svenska och engelska med alla dessa sär- och sammanskrivningar...). Fram med kameran nu, du kan ju klippa bort huvet om du ser grön ut. Sådetså
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