We are thankful to have all of you in our lives and are hoping to see much more of you in the future! We also hope that you had a wonderful Thanksgiving! I had to work, because at the Marriott, there are no holidays! The tourists are not going to take a vacation from their vacation just because it happens to be Thanksgiving. It's quite alright with me since I get paid more!
Luckily, I worked in the am so we could have some gobble! We went to a restaurant in the neighborhood. Very convenient, no cooking, no dishes!
Also, by popular demand, here's a picture of the growing belly. Have a heart about the lack of focus, it's not easy to take a picture of yourself through a mirror! Like I said before, it is really not much to see at the moment. I merely look chubby, not pregnant.
Love to you all! We miss you!
Tjusigt! Nu får det bli en vana, en gång i veckan vill vi se hur den växer. Jag ser även att min uggla sitter kvar på väggen, bra! Nu ska jag bygga mig ett pepparkakshus. Tjipp!
Yes, där é den!
Tack så mycket för grattishälsningen.
Vi tänder upp med julstjärnor och juleljus denna helg, så livet blir väldigt mycket lättare att leva.
Ny bild på magen om en månad?
Wow The Turkey dinner looks great. Missed seeing you two. Love to you all
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