Wednesday, January 18, 2012

And we're back in Maui..

For a while there I got spoilt with a wireless network and I could do everything from the iPad. Well, the kind neighbor who offered me to use his network was also kind enough to revoke it, hence the lack of updates here..
Anywho, here are a few pics from the past couple of weeks that we've been back..
On her way to the big slide 
 the one and only time she will wear crocs..
 Climbing a tree at Baldwin Beach
 Sharing bottles with her darling
Bathing feet at the wishing fountain .


Grandpa Mike and Heidi said...

The play tunnel looks like the ones at
main Beach in Laguna - cute pictures

Mona Andersson said...

Sötaste goa Ella. hon är verkligen en liten livsnjutare. Delar med sig gör hon också. Det gillas. Saknar er mycket och hoppas vi ses snart igen. Nu är det spännande tider uppe i Umeå, när ska Grynet anlända? När det är dags så klart! Kram på er