After living on Maui for nearly eight years, we finally got a visit! I hadn't seen Hanna for over 20 years so it was about time we reconnected!
The vog laid thick over the Valley Isle, making for a hot and hazy day, so instead of melting down at sea level, we headed up up up and away! Haleakala National Park, 10000 feet up, above the vog and the humidity! Gorgeous! Hanna, Craig and Bingo's first visit to the crater!
We had a marvellous time with Hanna and Craig and wished that they could have stayed longer! But hopefully we don't have to wait another twenty years before we meet again.
After we dropped the honeymooners off at their ship, we started heading back to our side of the island. As we came around the pali to the west side, we saw that the whole hillside was on fire! Lucky us that they didn't close the road then. Eventually they did and we almost didn't make it to our Doc's appointment the next day. But since Bingo is our lucky charm, of course the road opened in time. Bingo's heartbeat had slowed down a little, from 180 or so down to about 150 and everything was fine. Mom does not have gestational diabetes either! Good job! Seven months along and now I have to go see the Doc every two weeks instead of once a month.
We'll keep you posted!
Looks like a fun get together. To bad they couldn't stay longer.
Thanks you guys for an awesome day on Maui. We would have loved to stay longer but it was fun to get together at least, after so many years. We hope you guys will move to Sweden once Bingo is here so that we can hang out more often. Talk to you soon.
Hanna & Craig
Oi! Jag har väl kommit och hälsat på flera gånger!
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