I've put on a good 20 pounds or so and baby is growing at a steady pace. We met with the worst doctor yet and I am hoping that she will not be the one delivering our baby! All the others have been really nice and we both like one of them especially. But with Kaiser Permanente, my insurance, you don't get to choose your doc, it will be whomever is on duty when Bingo decides to make its grand entrance.
We have a few names figured out, we finally agree on at least a few! Progress!
The ladies at work have finally stopped making comments about just how abnormally huge I am, much to my delight! I am as a matter of fact not huge, but rather normal, so I am happy they finally shut up!
Daddy-to-be is doing an awesome job and we are both just so excited about our little Bingo!
My yoga instructor insists that he or she will come out a certified yoga teacher! I will continue the workouts for another month, I thought, and then I will have to figure something else.
Well, here's another bump shot, at almost 26 weeks. More than halfway there!
du är ju inte stor alls.. kollade precis mina vecka 26 bilder, och jag är ju helt klotrund. be dem hålla käft.
That's odd about not having a specific Doc - I have Kaiser too and have a primary care physician - I guess it's different for Obstetrics.
Glad to hear the names are coming along - good news.
Vi tycker du är snygg, ongen kan ju inte bli något annat än en riktig snygging! Idag ska vi fira påsk genom att plåga Sofia hela dagen lång!
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