Wednesday, March 31, 2010

26 weeks and counting

I've put on a good 20 pounds or so and baby is growing at a steady pace. We met with the worst doctor yet and I am hoping that she will not be the one delivering our baby! All the others have been really nice and we both like one of them especially. But with Kaiser Permanente, my insurance, you don't get to choose your doc, it will be whomever is on duty when Bingo decides to make its grand entrance.
We have a few names figured out, we finally agree on at least a few! Progress!
The ladies at work have finally stopped making comments about just how abnormally huge I am, much to my delight! I am as a matter of fact not huge, but rather normal, so I am happy they finally shut up!
Daddy-to-be is doing an awesome job and we are both just so excited about our little Bingo!
My yoga instructor insists that he or she will come out a certified yoga teacher! I will continue the workouts for another month, I thought, and then I will have to figure something else.
Well, here's another bump shot, at almost 26 weeks. More than halfway there!

Wednesday, March 24, 2010


24 and a half weeks along! Bobo now goes by Bingo! Apparently, the last bump shot was from too far, so here's a closeup. It gets bigger every day!
We took a little trip down to Makena for our day off. It got really windy down at the beach so we didn't stay long. Instead we drove down to the end of the road and La Perouse Bay to check out the wild surf. Definitely some action out there! And for those of you not familiar with Maui, La Perouse is where the last lavaflow came down, some seriously trippy formations!
We did some yoga too and had breakfast at the Gazebo, delish! An enormous, gargantuan north swell rolled in so we headed up to Honolua Bay, without the camera, to watch the show! I don't think I have ever seen the bay bigger than that! Some triple-overhead waves sweeping through, cleaning up the line-up! Only for the brave! For once I was actually glad to be a spectator! Kel too, I think. We got to witness some amazing rides! Even Bingo got excited in utero! Probably felt the vibe!
Kel really felt like a fondue dinner so we decided to celebrate the last trimester and go for it! It was really good, but just a tad bit pricey. Won't go again until after Bingo comes along... But it is fun and we had a good dinner date.

Thursday, March 11, 2010

Till mamma!

30 years later I am wearing Mom's prego bathing suit... Tack mamma!

Greetings from O'ahu!

A little babymoon for us before it is too late for me to fly! We went to O'ahu for a weekend and enjoyed the discounted rate at the Marriott in Waikiki. It's been a while since we were there last time and it was good to be back! We went shopping at Ala Moana Mall, which is HUGE! I got my fill of retail therapy and I think Kel did too! We walked back to Waikiki and stopped for dinner at an Indian Restaurant. Brought back memories from working at Ma'alaea Masala... It was really good! Next day we decided to take the bus to the North Shore so Kel could skim Waimea Bay. It took a loooong time to get there! Two hours later we got off in Haleiwa for some lunch. Then Waimea! Wohoo! The weather was a little tricky, but we got some sunshine in between. After almost two hours on the beach we had to start making the long journey back to town. But alas! Skimboards are not really allowed on the bus... So we were denied. Stuck on the North Shore.. There are plenty of places worse to be stuck at, but how were we to get back into town? We walked to the next bus stop and waited..and waited.. and hoped that the next bus driver would be nicer. And he was and we began the long road back around the island. We finally came back to Honolulu and decided to meet up with my good friend Ashley. A quick and for the most part, useless dinner later we went to a nice wine bar across from our hotel. Soda for me of course.. It was really good to see her so we stayed out a little later than we had planned...
Then it was Wednesday and time to go home and back to work! It was an awesome weekend!!

Thursday, March 4, 2010

Bobo's debut!

Here it is! The miracle that is baby Wright! Try to make anything out if you can. Hint: the head is to the right in the picture and then you can see the ribcage, spine and umbilical cord I guess. The doctor went way too fast for my untrained eyes. But everything looks good, baby is good size and we saw how its little heart was beating! He or she waved at us! Typical Kelly thing to do, so we know that he or she is alreade taking after Dad! I didn't get a digital copy so pardon the poor quality, I took a picture of the print...

Sailing Adventure with Chris no. 1

The whale season is now winding down and the babies are strong enough to swim the looooong way back to Alaska with their mommies but we managed to get a last close peak at them before. Chris took us out on his Hobie Cat, that we inofficially named CJ (after Pamela Anderson's character in Baywatch, duh). Kelly kept singing the theme song from Gilligan's Island, but our tour ended safely back on shore a few hours later. We got so close to the whales that we could easily have been their afternoon snack. But what an awesome adventure! The battery died in the camera so we didn't really get any good shots. Thanks for the trip Chris, aka Gilligan!!