Finally! A weekend above the clouds and away from the world as we know it! It had been an unsually bad week at work, with plenty of miserable people taking their shattered expecations out on yours truly. So to regain my peace and overall sanity, we needed to get away. Up up and away to Polipoli! And as before, the park seemed deserted. We set up our tent and blew up my new mattress that I got for Christmas and had ourselves a comfy little abode. Chris no 1 and his friend Tom, who had come all the way from England, came up to visit. We had a BBQ together before they headed back down the mountain. Silly boys had not even brought any jackets!
Me and my maestro took a moonlit walk after they had left. So bright and beautiful!
Next day we awoke to sunshine! Unlike our last visit when the clouds moved in early, the weather was perfect for a hike! As I am no longer in the shape I used to be, we opted for a shorter hike. Or so we thought! We packed light, only the camera and four juice-boxes. But as we truckered on, forever downwards it seemed, we started to realize not only that the hike would probably be quite a bit longer than we had thought, but also that we had a loooong stretch of uphill hiking ahead of us. But the day was gorgeous, the trees pretty and the company delightful. Why complain? We were a bit thirsty of course... But three hours and six miles later we had made our way back to the car, tired and thirsty, but happy! We saw some wild orchids on the way and were constantly reminded of the fire that ravaged the area some years back. But this is a very special place and breathtakingly beautiful!
The baby is growing at a steady pace. The doctor seemed happy with the development. I have yet to feel any movement. Next month we are going for an extensive ultrasound and they will be able to tell the sex... Uh-oh! We don't want to know!! We'll keep you posted! A hui hou!
MVG på fotouppdatering, knubbo. Liten Monapose såg jag också, när du står med ena benet uppe. Kelly ser inte ut att lägga på sig sympatikilon, men det kanske kommer? Tjipp!
Sounds like a fun, relaxing outing. Where is Polipoli? It looks like Big Bear or Lake Arrowhead here in Cali. Sorry you had a bad week. It was weird here too. I think it might have been the full moon.
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