My darling Sweden proved to be generous to an old expatriate such as myself, and I got everything I had wished for, and then some! I got to spend some quality time with my big crazy family, the one thing I had missed most! The girls were just about the same except for Astro, she got a lot bigger! She was only about four months when I left... Idun Vicious turned five in my absence as well, which she was quick to remind me! Would love to quote, but her quick wit would be lost in translation. Elsa, Klara and Sofia are still gorgeous girls, just like before. The moved to a new house, to better accommodate the growing family. And to the delight of yours truly, they invested in Nintendo Wii! But to the great despair of yours truly, I forgot my cable at home so I can't upload any piccies whatsoever, not of us playing Wii or of anything at all.
Everything could have been just dandy if only my darling beloved would have been there too!
I saw my friends, my other girls!! I really have missed them so much and I will miss them when I go back. But I rest assured because I know that we can pick up right where we left off! And gosh I miss hubby!
I had wanted some snow too, quite rare in Maui you know. For the longest time the outlook was rather glum, but as I was in bed with strep throat and fever, guess what I, to my astonishment, saw through the window!? You got it, SNOW! It snowed for quite some time, and it was awesome! Pictures will be posted later.. My sister came for a visit from the far North and we had a most splendid time together! We went to Emma's house for a girls' night in with home-cooked pizza and box-wine and SingStar! Jolly good times!!!
Saturday had much to offer! Daniella, Klara and I went to see "Journey to the Center of the Earth" in 3D. Terrific special effects, but the storyline was about as thin as Brendan Fraser's hair... But who cares? Oh and I did dye my hair too. Seems like I have opened Pandora's Box when it comes to my hair. Anything can happen now!
Birthday party for Dannie on Sunday. Chicken Marengo in lovely company! Dannie's b-day was today, Monday the 16th, and we had quite a busy day! We did some sightseeing in Malmö, we went shopping, IKEA and then we saw Lina, my oldest and bestest buddy and the cutest little boy ever, Lukas. Forgot to ask whether they call him Lucky Luke or not. He is absolutely fabulous! Good times!! Then time to say goodbye... My least fave thing to do. Bittersweet goodbyes. Sad to say bye bye but happy to go back to me other half. Maybe I should just consider myself lucky to get the best of both worlds! I get to live in Hawaii and I get to go home on vacay! But I wish the two worlds could be just a tad closer...
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