Aloha all ye faithful! Time for an update, it's been a while! The camera finally made it's way back over here the other day. I did not get a new one, but rather the very same, only repaired. So far it works great! So what has happened since last time? We MOVED! And we are so stoked! A few minor incidents of course, but we're used to that kind of stuff by now.. So here are some pictures of our humble abode.
There's the living room, with Snoopy relaxing with a lavender eye-pillow, sitting on what could be YOUR bed!! It folds out!The kitchen with the remnants from my former career as Miss Billabong International on the walls.. Then our spacious balcony with more clues to my professional past. Our bathroom with the wonderful space-saver that I put together, much to the astonishment of my dearly beloved. And the fabulous bathmat in the shape of a rocket. Awesome! Then we have Kel's latest masterpiece gracing our balcony for passers-by to admire and to give us some privacy from the next door neighbor. The best for last indeed, our pool!! It's kind of chilly but still awesome! So there you go!
Looking good! I'll be there in a jiffy eller vad det heter. Och jag ser framemot ett besök på Costco också, det var länge sedan. Det är så roligt att köpa saker i big pack, kanske en jätteduschtvål till faren? Tjipp!
Javisst ska vi ga pa Costco! Jag har kopt havregryn sa det racker resten av aret och en bit in pa nasta... Likasa tuggummi!
Kom snart!!
Vicken fin lägenhet!
Christer och jag måste boka in en resa till er sköna ö.
Kul att läsa lite om er, plötsligt verkar ni inte alls så långt borta. Ni verkar ha bra novemberväder, bättre än vårt...
Kram till er båda
Hej Annika! Tackar sa hjartligast! Ja novembervadret ar inte som sommarvadret har, det regnar till och med lite da och da. Men det ar bara skont! Klart att gudmor och gudfar ska komma pa besok! Ni ar hjartligt valkomna!!
Kram fran oss bada till er och killarna!
New place looks good - I don't know if Kelly remembers but the rattan couch looks just like one we had in Tujunga a few years ago.
Boards looking good
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