Mom and Dad were here and we had a great time! Ella relished the extra attention! She got to do lots and lots of fun stuff! She even got to swim in the pool! An adventure she was actually awake for, for once.
We have also been blessed with a possibly last south swell for the season and tried to surf as much as possible. In the pic you can see yours truly performing a very advanced trick called 'the Cockroach'! Ella likes watching mom and dad surf! She is our judge and a tough one at that!
She started sleeping through the night as well, we are so grateful!! Overall, we think she must be the best baby ever... I suppose that comes with being a parent.
We are getting ready to pack our things and go to Sweden! Hooray! Mommy had to go buy a new pair of pants that fits so I took Ella to the mall. She decided to poop in the changing room.. Interesting place! But Mom is always equipped so we got her a freshie and she had a jolly good time! She also got to sport some VERY old outfits, one of them the gorgeous 'Sverige är fantastiskt' suit, meaning Sweden is Fantastic! It is too small, but so hot I just had to put it on! She is getting really good at holding up her head too! Grows way too fast now!
Well, that's all for now!