Aloha! We are online, broadcasting from our house! Finally! Our lives have been rather uneventful as of late, but we did manage to make it out last weekend! Due to a lack of financial means, we were unable to rent a car. They want $500 instead of $300 now as a deposit... Instead of just sitting around we said F it! Let's fill up the tank, check all the fluids, bring some extra oil and got to Hana! It is a looooong drive on sometimes unpaved winding roads. But oh so pretty when you get there! We swam in the caves at Waianapanapa again, and should have brought the camera. The light was as we have never seen it before, somehow reflected into the cave. Needless to say, it was awesome!
I forgot to get my $10 cashback at Hasegawa's General Store, much to my surprise when we arrived at the National Park and I was going to pay the ten bucks for admission... Kelly, decided to square it with the Rangeress (femal Ranger?) and we ended up giving her all the cash we could muster, $9.52 and she finally went for it. We set up our new tent at Kipahulu and had a barbie and beer. Went to bed way too early... Then came the rain and it came down HARD! Our new tent almost endured this torture, only the seams were leaking.. But hey, this down pour was like a pressure wash!
Woke up to a new day and happy to be faaaaar away from all miserable tourists! Took the Pipiwai Trail further up and further in. A lot more water this time, when we were there in September, there wasn't much..
We also made it to Alelele, a very special place we haven't visited in a long time! Well, here as some pictures!